Tuesday 7 October 2014


Or, as an expression of even greater surprise:


I woke up this morning, got myself a gun, Mama always said I'd be the chosen one .....

Sorry, The Sopranos must have been on my mind but the gun thing's not a bad idea....

Anyway, I woke up this morning to hear that Paula Bennett has been made Minister of Local Government, Minister for social Housing and Minister of State Services. Not only that but the surplus to requirements person was quoted as saying " I'm happy to be in Cabinet but won't rule out the leadership role". What? What the fuck! This deluded twat who was previously Minister of Social under development and who misunderstood her role as Minister of Child Poverty into thinking that she had to make kids poorer now thinks she can lead this country?

Bloody hell.


Richard (of RBB) said...

You shouldn't have left The Wine Guy behind. An apology is in order. Okay, okay, I did leave a couple of guys behind when I worked for Murray Roberts because they always wanted to drive my truck. I left one guy in Island Bay. He caught a bus back - I told him I forgot he was with me on the job. Is The Wine Wine Guy a bit of a pain sometimes?


Not as much as Paula Bennett is.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Still think you should get a dog.