Wednesday 30 September 2015


We came back from Aberdeen by train on Sunday evening.

It was a clear night so we got a great view of the Blood Moon.

It was pretty spectacular as we were travelling down the East coast and the moon was just rising.

As well as being tinted red it was also huge and this photograph (not mine) gives a sense of the scale.

As you know the term 'Blood Moon' refers to the total lunar eclipse. When a full moon  is eclipsed by Earth
the direct sunlight is blocked but the light has traveled through Earth's atmosphere and manages to still light up the moon, albeit in a weakened way and the Moon, instead of being bright white is of a reddish-brown colour. OK?

Of course historically people panicked over this and saw it as an evil omen. Even nowadays there are nutters foretelling calamity and disaster.

I wonder what Second Fiddle's take on it is?

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

It could be a sign from extra-terrestrials that they want to be known by a shorter and easier to spell name?