Friday 11 March 2016



I decided to trim the bushes that were encroaching on the power and telephone lines at the corner of the deck today.

The trouble with trimming trees is not knowing when to stop.
I kept cutting and sawing and it was only the fact that the old tools I was using started to fail - the shears broke in half and the saw kept jamming because it was blunt - that I stopped.

I'd made quite a bit of mess but at least the wires were now safe.

As for me, I was cut and scratched and severely dehydrated having decided to undertake this in the early afternoon.

I haven't got a trailer and anyway don't have a tow bar on the little Toyota IST I drive but the car is a hatchback so I folded down the seats and jammed as much vegetation in as I could. Even the passenger seat was chock-a-block with cuttings. I drove off to the tip barely able to see where I was going.

Some things make us obsessive like taking out a punnet of hokey pokey ice cream from the fridge and telling yourself that you are only going to have a couple of spoonfuls. Yeah right.
Or opening that delicious chardonnay and saying that a glass or two will do. Really.
Or, in the case of Richard (of RBB) going on about his past wanking. God knows (Second can help here) why he has to tell us this maybe he's reliving old glories. See Here:


Talking of Second he's obsessed with the bible at present (anythings better than that bloody awful Ancient Mariner poem though) and is even putting a religious connotation to Richard's wanking.

Mind you though one of Seconds old biblical mates was Onan so I guess it's fair.

1 comment:

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes, let's be honest we all do it.
I'd like to hear from those that don't.