I work.
I don't want to work but I have to.
I tried not working which was great but no money came in and I felt unfulfilled.
I work, earn money and try to live on that.
To live, I have to buy food, generally from bloody supermarkets which I hate but they have a monopoly on availability and parking.
Nowadays, when I enter and leave supermarkets I have to run the gauntlet of buskers, charity donation gatherers, beggars and do-gooders- with -causes.
Hey! We support three registered charities with automatic payments going to them not to mention the bloody IRD (Bastards! they sent me a letter charging me $250 fine for a 1 day overdue payment for $140 GST return. A printed envelope came with it for return and in the box at the top where it usually says 'Postage paid' it said 'place postage stamp here'.)
How much money do we have to give? And why feel guilty when we don't.
And why give money to some useless bloody bass player playing out of tune (how would you know with a bass player anyway?).
I don't want to work but I have to.
I tried not working which was great but no money came in and I felt unfulfilled.
I work, earn money and try to live on that.
To live, I have to buy food, generally from bloody supermarkets which I hate but they have a monopoly on availability and parking.
Nowadays, when I enter and leave supermarkets I have to run the gauntlet of buskers, charity donation gatherers, beggars and do-gooders- with -causes.
Hey! We support three registered charities with automatic payments going to them not to mention the bloody IRD (Bastards! they sent me a letter charging me $250 fine for a 1 day overdue payment for $140 GST return. A printed envelope came with it for return and in the box at the top where it usually says 'Postage paid' it said 'place postage stamp here'.)
How much money do we have to give? And why feel guilty when we don't.
And why give money to some useless bloody bass player playing out of tune (how would you know with a bass player anyway?).