I work.
I don't want to work but I have to.
I tried not working which was great but no money came in and I felt unfulfilled.
I work, earn money and try to live on that.
To live, I have to buy food, generally from bloody supermarkets which I hate but they have a monopoly on availability and parking.
Nowadays, when I enter and leave supermarkets I have to run the gauntlet of buskers, charity donation gatherers, beggars and do-gooders- with -causes.
Hey! We support three registered charities with automatic payments going to them not to mention the bloody IRD (Bastards! they sent me a letter charging me $250 fine for a 1 day overdue payment for $140 GST return. A printed envelope came with it for return and in the box at the top where it usually says 'Postage paid' it said 'place postage stamp here'.)
How much money do we have to give? And why feel guilty when we don't.
And why give money to some useless bloody bass player playing out of tune (how would you know with a bass player anyway?).
I don't want to work but I have to.
I tried not working which was great but no money came in and I felt unfulfilled.
I work, earn money and try to live on that.
To live, I have to buy food, generally from bloody supermarkets which I hate but they have a monopoly on availability and parking.
Nowadays, when I enter and leave supermarkets I have to run the gauntlet of buskers, charity donation gatherers, beggars and do-gooders- with -causes.
Hey! We support three registered charities with automatic payments going to them not to mention the bloody IRD (Bastards! they sent me a letter charging me $250 fine for a 1 day overdue payment for $140 GST return. A printed envelope came with it for return and in the box at the top where it usually says 'Postage paid' it said 'place postage stamp here'.)
How much money do we have to give? And why feel guilty when we don't.
And why give money to some useless bloody bass player playing out of tune (how would you know with a bass player anyway?).
Bass harmonics are very strong because of the length of the string. Two 'same' haromnics played together create a very obvious wave if one is slightly out of tune... very obvious! Buskers are really among the most honest of artists. They don't play in the safety of a concert hall, but take their wares straight to the people. No useless agents, advertisers or other money grabbers are required... just the busker. By their nature buskers are green. If you want to pick on people; go for those who make heaps but produce nothing, like accountants, lawyers and sales managers!
R (of RBB)
Hey, Grumpy old man, looks like you've made yourself a friend in the fashion world...
this could lead to
"Do I look good naked? - The senior citizen version"! You know, that TV show where a gay guy builds up fat women to take their clothes off in public. You always tried to get their clothes off when you were young, now here's your chance!
No Richard you are wrong.
I never tried to get a fat woman's clothes off. I think that it was.......you.
Whatever... but you think priests live in toilets!
I've heard of snakes coming up the toilet... but a priest?
Priests are not allowed to come up from the toilets.
I said it was bishops.
ps what happenned to your blog?
Disrespect of religion and making fun of people's beliefs is mean and debases oneself
Piss off you sanctimonious twat!
"Disrespect of religion and making fun of people's beliefs is mean and debases oneself."
I disagree strongly. Belief systems and customs need to be open to scrutiny. I sick of that 'what I believe is special' standpoint. Time to wash away the shit that is stuck to the toilet bowl!
R (of RBB)
Thanks Richard of Richard's Bass Bag. I agree.
Who is this holier-than-thou bastard anyway?
... ah, it could be Robert...
Charity begins at home but should be carried out into the world. You should give until it hurts but I do understand dear when you tire of those buskers. I am afraid that the bass players do tend to be the worst as well - surly somehow, and if you ask me are trying to compensate for something by fiddling with that big, long instrument
Morality Guy,
If you continue to pick on me, I will form a closed blog like Rob and only peek out when it appears safe. I'm warning you! And you won't be on the list of guests!
At all times, in every circumstance, we must have complete faith that, if we will let Him, the Lord can and will bring good out of those problems that provoke and frustrate us so much and cause us sorrow and discontent.
We should neither warn people nor shun them, but instead embrace them in the name of our Lord.
Yeah, and...
"What would it profit a man if gaineth the whole world, but lost his penis?"
seriously! the word verification started with 'vd'!
At the Woolworths today I gave money to a worthwhile cause -Auckland City Mission.
Better to house and feed them than to have them breaking into my house and stealing all my stuff.
I was busking there and you gave me nothing!
I thought you looked like a homeless guy but you has a big bag-thing so I assumed you could curl up in that for shelter. It seemed to be the best use for it.
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