OK I'm old but I'm still lucid.
I do find it hard to adjust to the confusing proliffeation of television programmes now that overlap so much that it is hard to keep track of start/stop dates.
In the past great series like Brideshead Revisited, Smiley's People, Edge of Darkness, Cracker, Boys from the Blackstuff, Auf Wiedersehen Pet etc. were easy to follow as you knew which channel they were going to be on, which day of the week and at what time. Nowadays, with 27+ channels to choose from and with them all repeating programmes and series very quickly and with great frequency it is difficult to identify the important three Ws - which channel, what day, what time. There are some great new series on (somewhere) but I am never sure if I have caught the first or last series. Also, the very best of them, probably because high quality means low ratings, are on at godawful times (The wire for example was screened at 1AM on a major channel.
Its like The Pictures (or cinema definitely not movies) screening times (don't get me started! - ed). In the good old days you knew where you were. The Pictures were on at 11AM, 2PM, 5PM or 8PM. You couldn't get it wrong. Now they are all over the bloody place. Jeez!
Back home programmes are always on the hour and are preceeded by sort of wailing singing.
Bin Hire
I say close down the bloody art galleries.
Akish The Philistine
"are preceeded by sort of wailing singing."
Sort of like that Kate Bush song?
"I say close down the bloody art galleries."
I agree. They should wash the blood off first before opening them.
I The The think you're thinking The The of a slaughter The The Comeinyourpants.
The The The Guy
In the future art galleries do have some blood, so Comeinyourpants is right.
Different Time Zone Bill
Hey Comeinyourpants,
You've certainly attracted comments from all the freak show people this morning!
ps. I don't include myself in that comment because I run a respectable Bass Bag.
Sorry, that last post was by me.
And The The I meant The The to say 'slaughter house'.
The The sorry.
The The The Guy
I hope that you are not that fuzzy in the morning when teaching.
(Is it you that paints pictures of penes (plural of penis) on the school walls and ceilings?)
You know the solution- just get rid of SKY. It's like complaining that your castle has too many rooms and you always get lost. Some people don't even have a television.
No. Free to air TV is not much different.
There are too many repeats.
Prime time is taken up by reality TV shows, cooking shows and cheap game shows.
The best drama screens at 11PM and later.
I do have SKY but mainly watch UKTV, Comedy Central and PRIME (which is available Free to air anyway).
You should get a hard drive recorder. Before you go to bed set it to the channel and press record then when you get up press stop.I do it most days with History, then fast forward in the evening until I find something good.
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