Friday, 24 June 2011

MORE SHIT.......

.....disguised as consumer choice. Restaurant brands want to introduce Taco Bell into new Zealand and are soliciting consumer interest before putting the first one into Auckland.Taco Bell is a major US fast food brand based on Mexican food. It is also based on liquid cheese, cream, fat, sugar and salt.

Restaurant Brands would have us believe that we need another fast food brand and that it is all about consumer choice. What they don't tell us that as owners of KFC, Pizza Hut and Starbucks they are also about splitting the opposition and taking away market share from McDonald's and Burger King. The poor old consumer is merely meat in the sandwich or, in this case, mince in the burrito.

No doubt we will see a whole lot more advertising of this fast food, this time duping us on the 'health' benefits of Mexican food kind of like these advertisements from the past.

The long term result will be grown ups like this:

In an online survey on Yahoo News 44% of people say they are keen to see a Taco Bell in Auckland. They must have their heads up their arses.


Richard (of RBB) said...

You tell them, Agent C!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or did this post object that tasty mexican food is taking over from salty dry Mcdonald burgers? I could be wrong.

THE WINE GUY said...

You are wrong.