Thursday 21 January 2016


* Fuck I'm Good Just Ask Me

I'm sure that you've noticed the excessive marketing feedback that is asked for by goods and service companies in recent years. What started as a trickle is now a bloody avalanche and is extremely annoying.

I'm talking about when you book a train or airline ticket, sign up for telecommunications or electricity, pay your rates, order something on-line or in fact interact at all with not only commercial agencies but also councils and government agencies - that immediately afterwards you get bombarded with requests to fill out survey forms as to how well they did and did you like their service.

I'm tired of it. It seems to me to be symptomatic of the Me Me culture that defines young people nowadays. I guess the over-pampered and indulged kids of the nineties are now the young mid-twenty marketers who have been coming out with this crap. They were brought up being told that they are wonderful and develop insecurity complexes if they aren't regularly patted on the head and rewarded.

It's time that everyone hardened up!


Richard (of RBB) said...

Totally true, Northland boy, I'm totally with you. I also hate it when I'm eating out and, after having just got my food and having shovelled a generous amount into my mouth, someone appears to ask how I'm enjoying my meal. Just let me eat the bloody thing in peace!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...
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WTF Second?
Old ladies in your sights now?
Fat and ugly?
Just as well you are in the Habitat Contamination Removal business and not in retail, PR or some sort of caring industry.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Why doesn't The Wine Guy post stuff?


I couldn't access the site from UK but will see if I can do it from here.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

WTF you are wine guy? That's like telling me Santa doesn't exist.

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, The Curmudgeon isn't The Wine Guy. How could one person post at two different sites at the same time?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

So is Santa real?

THE WINE GUY said...

God you're a nag Richard and Robert you're no better.

New post is done on Wine Guy OK?

Richard (of RBB) said...

That's better.