Tuesday 1 October 2024


It's been a bit quiet on the blogs lately.

Richard has been commenting a bit on other blogs but hasn't yet made an effort to write a new post.

Robert has, as per usual, been copying and pasting a lot of Catholic nonsense without any editorial input.

I've been a bit lazy only posting three times over the last couple of days. I have been busy doing other things though like further excavation under the house, golf yesterday and tennis today. I also 'battened down the hatches' by clearing gutters, double bolting the basement doors and putting in some timber to block the run-off of gravel down the drive - we're expecting a big rainstorm tonight and tomorrow.

At 2:30 tomorrow* I have to go to the dentist so might be a bit limited in my blogging then as well.

Hopefully those other jokers will have found some inspiration by then and can keep the show running.

* The appointment is actually at 12.45.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Proofreading would have made that little add on unnecessary.

Rob said...

That little add on = footnote.
I like that cartoon.
Deluges are indeed becoming more common.


I thought you were an aficionado of those really old jokes.