Monday, 24 February 2025


It's a gorgeous day here and the real estate agent has been taking photos of the house (inside and out) and the location (the bay, the surrounding mountains).

The house looks better than it has for years - probably since we moved in 15 years ago following a couple of months of decluttering, fix-it stuff, painting, landscaping and cleaning. Whew! The Old Girl spent hours yesterday and this morning scrubbing, polishing and dusting and I've been warned not to make a mess. This basically means not moving, not touching things, not using the showers or toilets and basically - not breathing. I have been allowed to sit quietly and read a book and, now that the inside photography is done am allowed to sit in the study (my side only) and use the computer as long as ... you've got it ... I don't make a mess. I've been rewarded with a glass of Deutz rose though so I must have been doing something right.

I can't wait to see the photographs. The agent is a bit of a camera buff but also had a professional photographer with him as well. He's been operating a drone for the high and long shots which I know will look good as I've taken some stunning pics in the past from my kayak just using a basic digital camera or my phone.

I just took a few phone photos showing how the inside looks but these are pretty basic compared to what the pros will produce. Here's a selection:

The Old Girl and I, on the weekend discussed how we love living here and, if the house doesn't sell at a reasonable price, we're very happy to stay. Looking at the house and our location today I'm tempted to hope that no-one else wants to buy the place and that, as we've mentioned before, they'll have to carry us out 'boots first'.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it certainly looks great. Nice photos. I'd be keen to come and stay.

Phillip Edward Nis

Anonymous said...

Is there room for me too, if I'm up that way?

Bin Hire


Too late - all of you.
I've invited you up many times over the last 15 years so - yah-boo-sucks!


We’ve got a few recycle bins that could provide shelter. I hope that helps.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Northern hospitality.

Rob said...

I've been in a few posh houses in my time, but never, ever seen a hallway like yours. Wow!