Saturday, 15 February 2025



Yes, you guessed it. The Old Girl arrives home tomorrow so I have to get the house back to the pristine condition she left it in a couple of weeks ago.

"You'd better not make a mess matey" she said before she left.

Over the last couple of weeks I've done quite a few jobs around the house both inside and out - touching up paintwork, planting flowers, tidying up the basement, taking stuff to the tip, trimming trees etc but have been a bit remiss when it comes to housework.

After I hang out the washing (fresh sheets on the bed) I'd better do some dusting, vacuuming, wooden floor washing and bathrooms cleaning. This will be the last opportunity for me to use my failing eyesight as an excuse (all going well) as I have my eyes operation this coming Wednesday. They say that my vision will be drastically improved which means that dust, dirt and grime will soon be noticeable.

I'm a bit tired today, having had one of those almost sleepless nights. I turned the light out about 10.30 and slept I think before being awoken at 2.30 by a noise either in my dream or outside. I got up and looked around and saw nothing but it was quite windy and we had a brief but torrential downpour. I went back to bed, read and dozed until some bloody animal (neighbour's cat I assume) decided to gallop over the roof making a hell of a racket. After that I couldn't sleep any more so watched YouTube videos, read my novel and caught up with news from around the world. I checked the blogs which took about 2 minutes seeing that those Lower Hutt guys  must have been sleeping although Robert came on-line at about 4AM to tell us - something or other including that he was going to change the colour of his house.  I recommend a sort of whitewashed stucco like his pal Jesus might have painted his house back in the day.

The washing machine is telling me that it's finished so I'd better get on with it.


Rob said...

Hope you clean faster than the gentleman in the video, though they'd probably give him a job at most the places I work. You'll find you'll sleep much better when you stop drinking. Good the grace of God be with you at the eye operation.


Yes, there's no more 'holier-than-thou' people than ex smokers and ex drinkers
For your information I had no alcohol yesterday so don't consider that a factor.
Your 'god-bothering' is still annoying as in: "Good the grace of God be with you at the eye operation" but it's now spilling over into non-religious areas.


The 'video' was a Meta AI creation,. Thanks for the connection. I might have fun with these with the Vatican, Marist Brothers, your Virgin Mary etc. Stay tuned).


So - did you get the musical allusion Robert?

Rob said...

Yes. There was no sound, so you are suggesting that my future musical productions should be likewise.

