"Still, I'd like to know why he made women so complicated." said Richard in a coment in a previous post.
I'm sure all men ask themselves this frequently.
Women are mysterious and do things in ways that men find confusing and complicated.
One of the many differences between men and women is in the 'getting ready' to go out.
After the showers and dressing men are usually the first to be ready and, anxiously looking at watches and out windows for taxis, when they ask the question "are you ready yet", the "just a minute" answer is always forthcoming.
Finally the woman will emerge from the bathroom and state that she is ready. It is only then that she will look for the jewellery to match the outfit. This last minute addition can take at least 5 minutes often more. It is not a simple case of grabbing an earring or two and a bracelet as a man would do but involves trying on numerous combinations, often involving reconsideration of clothing choices. Why can't women have the earrings already matched up with the necklaces and other junk so that its just a matter of grabbing the set and going. When I suggested this to the Old Girl I received that "poor man he just doesn't understand" look.