Friday 21 November 2008


Here's a close to home picture for Robert.

Maybe he should reconsider his belief in Creationism and have another look at Evolution.


Anonymous said...

Oh no no no! But as you correctly explain you see the new creation "homo sapiens" (far left) about to usurp (sadly)the old "homo neanderthalensis".
But in the sequel they come back and the earth is again populated by wandering tribes of bass players without agricultural skills.

Anonymous said...

Dear Curmudgeo

I'm concerned that your n has dropped of the title. Are you ok?
You don't seem your old self!
Maybe it's time for a rest home.


Yes. At my age things do stop dropping. Thank God it is only the 'n'.
Imagine in your case 2nd Fiddle, if the 'f' dropped from 6th place to 16th in the alphabet!


"Oh no no no! But as you correctly explain you see the new creation "homo sapiens" (far left) about to usurp (sadly)the old "homo neanderthalensis"

Well, you got the old homo bit right.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Let me piece this all together...
God made me in this form. He made me in the image of himself. He made the baby too - and in his own image. In who's image did he make women? Maybe he has a sort of gay side too. Maybe he gave me a bit of each? But I don't see many women who look like me? Who did he base you, comeinyourpants, on? Does God have a cantankerous old uncle? And why did he make 2nd fiddle a second and not a first? I can see why he made the wine gay - to traumertise pregnant waitresses in wanky Jaffa bars! He probably made comeinyourpants so that the world could have a steady supply of picture frames. It certainly is a funny old world when God is concerned with unframed pictures!
Ha! I just realised that I mistyped the wine guy as 'the wine gay'!

ps. word verification was 'girlsdrink'!

Anonymous said...

if the 'f' dropped from 6th place to 16th in the alphabet!
2nd Piddle!
oh no no no ... sorry I need a
4th ... back soon.

Anonymous said...

Richard Prowse said ..." In who's image did he make women? "

Kinda miss the whole point here big cheen!
God is making us in his own image in a metaphorical scense.
He gave us a soul that is like Him
but the body thing was as beautiful as he thought at the time and (this is not the gospel)as best suited his creation.
So we are wandering around on this earth with just enough oxygen to sustain our metabolism and enough nitrogen to preserve our chippies but one day our body will die but our soul will live forever.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, I suppose that wraps the thing up from the 'god does this' side. Still, I'd like to know why he made women so complicated.