Monday 24 November 2008


The picture I posted earlier of Richard holding a baby makes me think of the magic of life in the constant refreshing that happens. New life replaces the old and, whilst doing so can rejuvenate the ageing.

Writing that I think about Lynn's Godson who visits us a lot. He is a two year old with a lovely nature and the ability to light up a room. He is not the sort of kid that creates tension amongst oldies as he is well behaved and never seems likely to smash something - he invariably asks if he can touch something or pick it up.

We have had losses recently and the presence of the Godson is like a catharsis.

I wish everyone could feel like that in the presence of little children but recent news events have shown that not to be true. Poverty of spirit is infinitely worse than material poverty.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I know what you mean, comeinyourpants. I was thinking that just the other day while watching my brother's twenty three month daughter. She didn't see me watching, knocked a telephone down and attempted to put it back undetected. Her curiosity is a joy to watch. By the way, why have you got a picture of Pete on your site?


He came around to visit.
Bastard drank all my good wine and then buggered off.