Saturday 7 January 2012


Richard, in his latest post discussed parents giving children stupid, rude, non-sensical or misspelled names. Well, it makes a change to him droning on about double basses I suppose:

See here

I agree with him on this and, while these parents might think that the standard names are boring (usually because they themselves don't have a lot of imagination), they fail to think what it is going to be like for the kid to go through the life, school and work situation having a name that other people cannot pronounce, spell or understand.

I get pissed off (yes, even I do) at the twee, corny or plain stupid way some peoples names are spelled. The use of 'y' instead of 'i' or the addition or subtraction of letters is annoying. We have friends who named their son Camron. He will forever have to explain the spelling to schoolteachers, employers, IRD etc and it will drive him nuts. I was sent a business e-mail by someone named Shayeela recently. In the address detail at the bottom of the memo she had printed "Shayeela - pronounced Shay - ee- la"  Well what a frigging waste of time that is why doesn't she just change her name to Sheila and be done with.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well done Comeinyourpants McDonald! Or should it be Cminuuurpnts Mcdounaaald?

Anonymous said...

My wife named her son Kylie.

THE WINE GUY said...

"My wife named her son Kylie."

I rest my case.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Good point oh Grumpy one.

You don't realise how many ways there are to screw up names until you've done a roll call at Nuova Lazio High School.

Valley Girl said...

Or taught at a teen parent unit where those expectant young mums with already crazy spelt names decide to call their new offspring an even more outrageous name. It is almost like a competition to see who can come up with the craziest names by the end of hte year.