...but I agree with Paula Bennett whom I heard on the radio today, speaking in Parliament about the government's plans to restructure the welfare service. Now PB is an otherwise useless MP who nearly lost her seat at the last election (although this stupid MMP system would have allowed her to stay as a high on the list person) and to date has done fuck all useful. The plan I heard of today was to re-categorize beneficiaries and make people who are reasonably able 'available for work' As I was driving through hills and valleys and the radio kept cutting out the gist of what I got was that the sickness benefits, DPB's and others may all be lumped together. The outcome will be a better fix on the outgoings and better identification of people who can contribute. Beauty! I thought. Why does a life-long socialist like me think this way? Well....gather around and I'll tell you.
We rent a town-house in Auckland in a well-to-do suburb,. The town-house is a bit manky but still costs us $550 a week. We have to maintain the lawn and garden as well. Next door to us is a very big (maybe 6-bedroom) villa. It is a State House. It has the obligatory old cars in the front yard and parked on the grass verge (the grass verge owned by the council that if I parked on it I'd get towed away) and also the flash Holdens and Fords parked on the road. A lawn-mowing guy comes every fortnight to do the lawns. I pay him, or I guess my taxes help to pay him because the occupants of the house don't. They hang around and watch. I, after a day at work, mow our lawn a with the crappy electric mower the landlord has left in the shed and I weed the garden.

Like Victor Meldrew I 'DON"T BELIEVE IT" when I find bits of rubbish in the garden - lolly wrappers, cigarette packets etc. Luckily I haven't found used condoms like he did but, I do find a lot of litlle plastic bags - 'baggies' littering the garden and the lawn. Where do they come from?
Over the last couple of months since we have been living there (during the week while we work in Auckland) I have noticed the activities of the neighbours. The house has all windows covered with heavy cloth or black rubbish bags. Cars stop in our side street and the main road and the occupants of the house come out to 'chat with them' At first I didn't take much notice, then I wtached more closely. I saw car loads of young guys stop, make a phone call or send a text and within minutes two guys will come of of the house. One wanders a little way down the road (lookout?) and the other hops into the back of the car or leans through the window. An exchange takes place - a little plastic bag for something (obviously money). This has happenned several times in my view and, as I don't live there during the weekend and work during the day on weekdays most likely happens a lot then too.
So what's in the baggies? Could be marijuana but I think 'P'.
What have I done about it? I contacted the police via the crime stoppers website giving dates, times, descriptions etc. Has anything been done about it? Not to my observation but hopefully someday soon.
Anyway, back to Paula Bennett. Now I don't begrudge OAP's and the sick and those in need in this country getting support. I am proud of this country's welfare system and our social justice. what I don't like is seeing fit and able young guys, living in a house at tax-payers expense, receiving benefits as they don't bloody work and then, dealing in drugs. It makes my blood boil. Am I wrong?