I bought a nice leather jacket the other day. I got it from a brand clearance/discount store named Winners. It's the Canadian version of USA's Century 21 where top brand names are sold. The items are usually end of run stock and can be a lot cheaper than normal. The jacket I bought cost me $190 and the price tag said $500. OK, OK, I know not to trust what retailers say is the 'normal' price but I checked on the web and the cheapest I saw the same jacket was $400 (marked down from $550 USD) so that makes me feel good.
The jacket is a great fit, very comfortable and is made from New Zealand lambskin so is very soft.
I'm going to enjoy wearing it in the colder months as we are going to New York in late November and spending Christmas and New Year in Aberdeen. The beauty of a (lined) leather jacket is that it is warm but not cumbersome.
You'll look like an old teddy boy.
Well that's better than looking like an old teddy bear.
Actually I look more like the picture of that guy in the post below.
A very clever post - pretending to be about apparel but really designed as a vehicle to casually drop in the travel destinations in order to make us even more jealous of your present lifestyle!
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