Wednesday 15 April 2015


Humbert had made his travel plans, NZ0001 from LA to Wellington.
He settled into his Premium Economy seat and thought about the coming few days.
Richard was becoming a problem, that was for damn sure. This needed sorting.
Robert had been sorted thanks to some redneck US police officers who had been on a 'Peace' delegation to Nuova Lazio. One problem down but Richard needed sorting out.

Indiscretions. Humbert reviewed the notes that The Curmudgeon had sent him via the encrypted files they used.
"Some unpleasantness at primary school involving standing under stair cases and looking up girl's skirts - Simon Charles Galvin style.

"Befriending kids at intermediate school in public urinals where friends dunked their caps into the piss drains before putting them on their heads for some reason.

"Getting drunk at parties at university before annoying and molesting women

"Getting evicted from musical soirees.

"Being summoned to the University Council and having a social society forcibly disbanded.

" Being several times sacked from musical groups. By his older brother.

Yes, Humbert thought. This needs sorting.

The Curmudgeon had added that Richard was set to get his hands on Robert's legacy, the 'Drap O Scotch' original manuscript. Time was pressing.

And then there was the skeleton.

What was that about? 

1 comment:

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Robert lay in the theatre on the operating table and looked for the tunnel. There should have been light. It was black. "Shit I'm wrong" he thought " what do I do to avoid eternal damnation?"
He saw the skeleton next, it raised a finger and said follow me my friend ....