Friday 12 June 2015



From the mouths of babies.

An Auckland parent has taken his daughter's school to court over them allowing religious instruction in school. It's voluntary for sure but is based on the bible and christianity and not on other religions.
The fact that this has gone to the High Court shows what stuff and nonsense still goes on with religion.
No wonder we have trouble around the world.

Some years ago a study was made on the bible and religious writings and concluded that it was indeed stuff and nonsense. The study team reported that

"it would be in the interests of those who believe in such nonsense as organised religion or creationism to accept the fact that religious books were written by men as a control system."
The control subjects were of course women and the masses. The study group observed that religions using reward/punishment (sins, indulgences, heaven, hell, twenty plus virgins, damnation etc) as control systems were losing grip on most of the world's population and only a minority of fanatics and nutters were carrying on this idiocy.

It really is about time that we, as a populace moved on instead of being controlled and bullied by ignorant people who cling to writings written not by god or gods but by men in unenlightened times.

Why else would we get situations like radical Islamic subjugation of women and poor people and this christian example of stupid intolerance.

This is a real depiction of two gravestones in Ireland. one cemetery is catholic, the other protestant, separated by a brick wall.
A husband and wife, one catholic and the other protestant weren't allowed by either bunch of idiots to be buried together so some enterprising person came up with this solution.

Clever but also sad.

Comments welcomed - Robert, you can go first.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It's four o'clock and I just make it to the studio.
Jim Mora looks relieved that he will not have to carry the panel by himself with a bass player from Wainui.
"I understood a control group was a statistical entity that serves as a ....control" I say adjusting the mike and wiping the sweat from a partially closed eye.
"Robert has joined us, he has failed statistical probability on three occasions, but now Richard would you like to tell us what is on your mind."

Richard (of RBB) said...

I lend sound gear to a Christian group that meets on Friday lunchtime so that they can spread their shit. I mainly do it because the kids who organise it are nice kids. There is no way that I could ever convince them that what they are doing is nonsense because their thoughts are too deeply ingrained. The would just say that the devil is talking through me.