Sunday 19 February 2017


Geremy aka Robert reported in his post of strange goings on in Wellington on a Saturday morning when normal people the rest of us are still in bed.

See here:

 Market day and Jehovah Witnesses

Apparently Geremy-Robert woke at 3am to do god only knows what until 4.45 am when he 'was out the door '
Where Geremy-Robert lives the moon apparently behaves differently to how it does where I live ...."The moving moon was directly above the mast as I carried my folk craft sailing ship to the car." Either Geremy-Robert himself moves incredibly slow giving the illusion that the moon can be seen moving or, as said, the moon in Petone Heights scuttles along a bit quicker than it does everywhere else.

Mind you, Geremy-Robert's moon isn't the only heavenly body to behave strangely. His sun also is a bit different ..."The light dawned almost suddenly". Wow. That would have been scary. Kind of like a nuclear explosion. Bang!

Geremy-Robert's universe is different to ours including Time ..."That series of inexplicable moments we call time were lost to my consciousness until  I was aware of a Jehovah Witness at the car door". Yes, well a Jehovah Witness at your car door is a bit much. They're bad enough at your house door. Maybe they're stalking him.

Geremy-Robert states that the Jehovah Witnesses set up a 'suicide assistance stand' next to his cake stand. Now I'm not really sure what he means by this. Are the Jehovah Witnesses counselling against suicide or are they providing a service to help suicides along? Either way I don't think it's a good look for the cake stand next door.

Geremy-Robert seems to have spent more time building his boat and talking to the Jehovah Witnesses than in actually selling cakes. The boat building thing seems a bit allegorical especially given the context of the religious discussions that were going on. Was he trying to prove a point to the Jehovah Witnesses? The boat representing a vessel that would lead to Heaven? Mmmm?. Anyway the Jehovah Witness joker was much too practical. I'm bewildered though that an engineer could be a Jehovah Witness. Engineers are all about empirical knowledge and proven theories. Maybe that's why he's a Jehovah Witness and not a Catholic. Sort of like a half-way house to common sense.

Geremy-Robert says that the Jehovah Witnesses ..." don't believe in hell nor believe that God is three persons in one.They go back to basics. None of the writings of Saints or theologians for them. At their assembly they read extracts from the bible. No priests."

To me that makes a lot more sense than the gobbledy-gook that was drilled into me at Catholic schools by way of 'Catechism' (cataclysm).

Geremy-Robert concluded (about the Jehovah Witnesses not about the success or other of his boat building or cake selling) that they were.."Really nice people but maybe a little mislead"

A bit of the old 'pot calling the kettle black' I think.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha ha, but You're (and me) going to hell.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Me too. Hang on hold the boat! It's not till judgement day. Hey there is still hope.