Tuesday 26 September 2017


I had a great idea for an App the other day.
I was waiting for the bus to Auckland and noticed a young woman backpacker. She was smoking a cigarette. I wondered why, at age of about 20 she was smoking given that all of her life she must have been exposed to discussion and warnings about the dangers of smoking.

At Kaiwaka where we stopped for a break I noticed that she smoked two more cigarettes.
I actually thought about approaching her and asking her why she was smoking but decided against this as she'd think I was a dirty old man or worse, odd.

Dirty Old Man

Thinking about this on the rest of the trip I created, in my mind, an App for smart phones whereby you can take a selfie and apply it to a programme to show what the effects of smoking will have on you over the years.

I told The Old Girl about this and to my surprise she said it was a good idea and I should go for it. I was surprised as she normally scoffs at my proposed inventions:

When I got back home up north I thought about how to create an App and googled it.
To my disappointment I discovered that some sneaky bastard had already thought of this and created an App.

How unfair is that?


Richard (of RBB) said...

About as unfair as this post.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Just because there is one App don't be put off. People like to choose between apps. The more the better!

It saddens me to watch the young faces at Weltec puckering their lips around a cigarrette filter then tossing it at the drain marked "Drains to River".


They need to be kicked in the arse.

Just saying.


I hope that you draw it to their attention.



I just noticed the first comment - what's unfair about this post?

Richard (of RBB) said...

It put me to sleep


Fair enough.

Sleep well and I hope that tomorrow is OK for you.
I guess if it's still stormy in Wellington that working in a classroom is bearable.