All is good up here other than some kind of spam thing happening on the blog. Some stuttering fool keeps making inane comments which consist mainly of the word 'the'. What's that about?
The snooker table sold yesterday on Trade Me above the reserve price so we're happy. I won't celebrate yet though until the buyer deposits the money into our bank account. He could always default.
The landscape gardener arrived today and started the clearing part of the operation before terracing. Hopefully this will go OK as 'kerb appeal' will help sell the house at a price we want.
It's the third day with the handyman. He's a great worker and way more methodical than I am. He's identified many small things that needed doing and has fixed most already. Even if we don't sell we'll have a better house for it.
The plumber will return tomorrow to connect the new cistern in the rear bathroom. It'll be interesting with all three tradesmen jockeying for position for their vehicles in the driveway.
I'm keeping out of their way and continuing to sort out stuff indoors. This is a bigger job than I envisaged but we'll get there. It's a change for me throwing stuff away instead of hoarding it.
That said though, we identified an indoors tiling job - about 6 square metres - that we'll get the handyman to do. The Old Girl suggested going to the Tile Warehouse to buy tiles but I remembered some that we've had in the basement for the last 15 years. These were left over from the house alterations we had done for our Point Chevalier house. They are brand new and unused. I rediscovered them this morning and they will be ideal for the job. She's happy with them which means that I'm happy too.
It's nearly lunch time. I'm going to make a toasted sandwich with cheese, onion, tomato and left-over mashed potato. The Old Girl thinks this is a disgusting combination which I'm happy with as she won't want to pinch half of it. I wonder what Robert's having. No doubt he's been skulking around hospital wards swiping food off of patient's plates.
The Old Girl is lucky to have you.
Well, when he's not off doing comedy gigs. At least the standing up is good for him.
I see that you’re still taking grammar lessons from Richard.
The buyer of the snooker table deposited payment into our bank account today. That's a relief. While I'm sorry to see it go it would have been stressful to be dealing with a complex sale like this at the last minute. I asked the buyer if he wanted to save money on disassembly and transportation by buying our house and leaving the table in the snooker room. He politely refused saying that the table was to go to the new holiday house they've just built (it seems he's got a few bob).
All good.
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