I've been having trouble with the settings on my laptop and decided to junk the Google Chrome application particularly because it kept coming up with requests for subscribing. I was suspicious because of the misspellings in the pop-ups. If it had been from Robert's blog I'd have considered it legitimate but, being Google I assumed that, with all of their money they could afford proper proofreaders.
Anyway, I'm using the basic Google page which, by and large is like the old one but, when opening the link to Richard's Bass Bag I noticed this:
Can you see it?
At the top, above RICHARD'S BASS BAG is the warning "Not Secure - Richard's Bass Bag"
Well, they got that right.
My latest post is about a podcast by Tent Horn.
Probably time to update this blog.
Oh, right, that orange idiot.
Funny but I was going to write a post featuring a poem to old shitty pants.
Still no new post. Okay, okay, I know you'll be nervous about the rugby. I hope you're warm in the kitchen.
Still no new post.
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