Friday, 31 January 2025


It's been a busy and full day today.

We arranged for two real estate agents to come around and to do assessments prior to providing valuations of our property. The third will be calling tomorrow morning.

As our handyman hadn't finished everything yesterday, he was calling between 6 and 7 this morning which meant a real early start for us. While he was working, The Old Girl and I cleaned bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms and I also moved old bits of timber to under the house, hid all of the paint pots and building materials (under the house), raked up all of the fallen leaves and palm fronds and generally made the place look presentable.

James Dave finished the work (creating new window surrounds) and we were able to do a big clean-up of his work area before the first estate agent arrived at 11am.

After a one hour meeting and house viewing (quite positive) we headed off into town to Palmer's* Garden Centre to purchase plants for the pots on the deck and the front garden area that's most on show. $250 later we headed home - yes, $250! It was just as well that The Old Girl was with me and directing operations because I would have said something like ... "How much? You must be joking".

Back home we were just in time for the arrival of the second real estate agent and went through the process again. The second one (our initial first choice) was even more positive than the first which is encouraging and might make us reconsider our Wellington options ... it won't be Cannon's Creek Porirua after all.

It's been a stunning day here and we've been so busy we largely missed it. I didn't swim like I did yesterday but now feel like a big glass of chardonnay (Tipping Point Hawkes Bay) while preparing dinner (smoked salmon pizza). I'd better not drink too much as I want to enjoy our 37th anniversary dinner tomorrow night with an 'overpriced' Champagne (Taittinger NV).

* Nothing to do with the Mrs Palmer who Richard seems to be obsessed with.


Rob said...

That's really good news. I chuckled about you taking L to the garden store. Women just don't appreciate the value of money :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, women need old men like us to rule their lives and to ‘mansplain’ things to them.


Rob said...

If only they would listen!

Anonymous said...

You’d get on well with Donald Trump with your views on women and LGBQT people.
How do you feel about black people?