Richard must be bored.
He's been finding doppelganger images of Robert on the internet. See: HERE
Robert has been using another doppelganger image himself on his blog but it seems to have disappeared. I found it highlighting a comment he wrote on one of my posts:
As a bit of a laugh I looked up a doppelganger site on the web where a search is made from a photo to find a person with similar looks - a doppelganger.
I put in an image of Robert and discovered that according to the site he matched 43% with Robert Louis Stevenson.
This was a surprise as, if Robert was to be matched with any literary person I would have expected it to be William McGonnagal or Samual Taylor Coleridge.
I looked at the next matches on the list and discovered that he has a 42% match to Cecil B. De Mille and a 33% match to Queen Victoria. I guess that he's not amused.
I then put in different images of me and was surprised to find that the leading match each time was Captain James Cook!
What did the randy old sod get up to when he visited New Zealand in 1769?
On one of the photos though the best match was to Albert Savin.
Intrigued, I put in a photograph of Richard and guess who popped up?
Shouldn't you be downsizing?
OK Martin.
I know you're not sitting down when you make these jokes, Peter.
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