Monday 8 February 2016


I'm not silly, well not yet anyway and apart from a period of believing that I was immortal in my late teens I've always accepted that I'd grow old.

Well I have and it doesn't really worry me.

The problem with growing old though that I hadn't counted on is that other people who I know have also grown old and some are not in as good nick as I am.

Some have died (including my and the Old Girl's parents) and others have struggled with various complaints and illnesses.

Some have changed and are no longer the carefree, happy go lucky souls that they were at university and have become quite grumpy.

Others have gone a little mad which doesn't bode well for the future.

What they didn't tell us when we were younger is that old age has the potential to be quite a lonely time. Friends that we have known, if they haven't popped their clogs, have so many life commitments that they aren't as flexible as they were when they were young. Arranging get-togethers isn't like the old 'party at my place' invitations of yesteryear.

Saying that though, a couple of weeks ago two old friends came to visit and stayed the night. We had a great meal together, played snooker, drank too much wine, played golf, went swimming and had a great catch-up. No matter that we hadn't seen each other for over half a year. Good friendship is like that.

Long may this continue.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Old wine tasters never die they just whine away.


Second Fiddlers should just bow out gracefully but instead they just string things out.

Tracey said...

The best thing about getting older is life just gets better and better, and contentment comes very easily.

Richard (of RBB) said...

The best thing about being a musician is that you can still play when you are old.