Tuesday 9 November 2010


.... some nice wine, healthy food, good music and pleasant company.

It was a long day today and I'm tired but not yet sleepy. Getting back home from Auckland it was after 7 so I didn't feel like cooking. Fortunately the Old Girl had a really nice chick pea and spinach dish in the deep freeze that I warmed up and had with rice - delicious and wholesome. On the wine side I opened (and have nearly consumed) a bottle of 2007 Man O War Valhalla Chardonnay. it is still holding up and is a superb wine - scrumptious. Re music, as TV was basically crap tonight I have been playing some old favourites. On at the moment is NHOP's 'This is all I ask. It is good ( a gift from Richard (of RBB) many years ago) He said we would like it because it has no singing on it . He Lied. Not that it is not good but because  Monica Zetterlund sings on it taking a chance on love. Re pleasant company there is none because the love of my life (the Old Girl) is still in Auckland and will be for the rest of the week. If she knew that I was up blogging at this time of night she would probably thrash me.


Nicola said...

Stop sinking to the lows of TSB, picture not relevant.

Anonymous said...

lol. Great name for a bottle of wine.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

What do you mean "lows"?
I think that ist's very nice of TC to share his little fantasies with us.

Actually be careful, if you're without "the old girl" for a couple of days, you must exert massive self-control, otherwise the fantasies may take over.

Richard (of RBB) said...
