This is really cruel! Ah, but pretty accurate, I must admit. It's a good job you posted this at the start of the holidays though - when I'm regaining my sense of humour! Personally, I became a teacher because the holidays are good. Here is my list of pretty worthless jobs, starting with the lowest: Lawyer National Party Polititian Car Thief Professional Paedophile Teacher Real Estate Agent Toilet Cleaner General Cleaner Clergyman Pope Dairy Owner Heavy Metal Musician Door to Door Salesman etc. Up we go.
Thank you for putting real estate agent above teacher. I did study Law as you know (my family wanted me to be a lawyer, not me). I have cleaned toilets (not very well) in my role as a general cleaner. I was never a clergyman even though 7P class at St Pat's was supposed to be a training ground for priests (either that or professional Paedophiles). I can't see myself being any of the other 'professions' you list but, who knows, one must eat.
This is really cruel! Ah, but pretty accurate, I must admit.
It's a good job you posted this at the start of the holidays though - when I'm regaining my sense of humour!
Personally, I became a teacher because the holidays are good.
Here is my list of pretty worthless jobs, starting with the lowest:
National Party Polititian
Car Thief
Professional Paedophile
Real Estate Agent
Toilet Cleaner
General Cleaner
Dairy Owner
Heavy Metal Musician
Door to Door Salesman
Up we go.
Thank you for putting real estate agent above teacher.
I did study Law as you know (my family wanted me to be a lawyer, not me). I have cleaned toilets (not very well) in my role as a general cleaner. I was never a clergyman even though 7P class at St Pat's was supposed to be a training ground for priests (either that or professional Paedophiles). I can't see myself being any of the other 'professions' you list but, who knows, one must eat.
60% of NZers hate their jobs.
I wonder about the best job....
Exotic weed controller on Soames Island?
I'm a teacher.
I realy love my job.
Pity me.
Pity my pay.
Pitymy students.
But not my holidays.
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