Sunday 20 January 2013


...... or whatever he calls them.

These spam bastards are a nuisance and because of them I had to put back the annoying word verification check into this blog. Sorry about that.
I became aware of it when commenting an answer to Tracey on the previous post.

We went for a good long time without these robots interfering.
I wonder if it is anything to do with Twisted Scottish Bastard ceasing to post. Terrestrial Flying Bastard Robots should naturally be attracted to his blog and now are looking for a roost.


Tracey said...

I have had to go the robot way. Already get loads of spam emails pretending to be comment notifications, but they go straight to the junk folder and no longer bother me. I have a little trouble decoding the robot scripts a lot of the time - but needs must.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

So far I am clean. Maybe it's my faith in Jesus!