Friday 2 May 2014


I'm an easy going sort of chap. Nothing ever seems to bother me.

Ha, ha, ha. That was a joke by the way. I am The Curmudgeon.

Lots of things bug me. Take people on footpaths. Please! (another joke - an oldie but a goody).
See my diatribe in an earlier post here:


 It's not just inconsiderate college kids who are footpath abusers though. Anyone with a cellphone is a bloody menace.

I'm getting pissed off with people who walk erratically while texting. There was a time when I'd step out of their errant way but now I don't do that. I hold my line so that the wandering fool bumps into me.

It's amazing how they look so aggrieved as if they're saying "Hey, didn't you see me wandering along here not looking where I was going?"

1 comment:

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Kids, eh?

what can you do, apart from bump them off the pavement onto the busy road. Why do you think we develop a large gut in advanced middle age?