Sunday, 11 May 2014


We need to replace the roof on our Northland house. Being exposed to sea air it's now in need of repair and the roofer suggests total replacement.

He inspected and sent a quote which was $24K plus change.

I reminded him that this isn't a middle eastern palace so we didn't really require the gold shingles.

He repeated the quote at $24k plus change. No sense of humour these roofers.

Due to the height of the house on the Eastern side measurement - fucking high - OSH requirements are for full scaffolding. Apparently nowadays they no longer tie ropes to kids and dangle them over the side. Bloody progress!

We'll get it done though before the winter storms start but it'll dent the wallet a bit.
Still, better safe than sorry as the house up behind ours had the roof entirely blown off in a storm a few years ago.

To add insult to injury the tenants have just informed of a hot water leak in the drying room which means that the hot water cylinder is probably going to have to be replaced. This'll mean another grand or two.

It certainly backs up our longer term plan to sell the house and apartment, bank the money and rent accommodation.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Bloody houses.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

$24K does seem a wee bit excessive.

Tracey said...

Why not wait until, with a bit of luck, a storm DOES blow it off and insurance pays out?


Petone, the most likely Tsunami suburb in New Zealand.
I studied Seismology at university. I'm just saying.

Tracey said...

I don't think you studied it too carefully - just saying ...


I agree but one metre is all that is needed to inundate Petone. I'd get back to Nuova Lazio if I were you.