Wednesday, 11 June 2014


While searching the web for something on Aro Street I discovered  Uncyclopedia
The following is what the writer(s), seemingly some angry and homophobic Wellington region students have to say about some Wellington suburbs (note the grammatical and spelling errors – maybe Second Fiddle contributed):

SILVERSTREAM is right on the boarder of Boganville A.K.A Upper slut A.K.A Upper Hutt as some call it
Silverstream Is home to St. Patricks College Silverstream. Pupils of St. Patricks Silverstream are refereed to as 'Streamies'. This separates them for any number of names attached to students of St. Patricks College Wellington. Streamies are the schools only let down. In addition to the streamies there is the boarding hostel.
The hostel is home to a gang of fierce and moderately ruthless butt pirates called the BBB(BOARDING BUM BANDITS) who go around the showers looking for people who "accidentally" drop the soap then, well, you know the rest. SPC is the most Racist/Homophobic/Gay school in the whole wellington region because that's how saint Patrick wanted it to be. (must be a good cunt) good kids are often seen cruising in there rides with a spirit hand out the window showing everyone whos boss. passers buy also may hear chanting from the students, most chants being about being blue & WHITE!.
Silverstream is home to Subway, McDonalds, 3 dairy's, New World and about 60 fish & chip shops all of which are quite mediocre (just like the boarding Hostel). There is also a physical presence felt here. His ginger mullet and 250 kg bench pressing arms.
Silverstream is mean.

PETONE is home to people missing their 23 chromosome, many homosexuals and haemaphrodites . Many of which drive pathetically useless cars such as the honda shitty and hilux utes (well not any more because it was crashed). It is also the home to many unemployed drug addicts. The majority of the population in Petone is on the dole and has been for many years, not likely to change anytime soon. This is not to be confused with Petone Heights, (formerly Korokoro) which enjoys looking down on the peasants of Petone. To ensure that the residents of Petone are kept out of Petone Heights, a new tolled flyover is being built as part of the SH2 upgrade. Petone Heights is known for its tree huggers, drug dealers and porn stars, particularly the residents of TitsnMarijuana Road.

WAINUIOMATA is this big swamp over the hills and far far away. Home to the Wainuiomartians. The Wainuiomata social welfare offices are the star attraction of the place, as is there are always fights and ambushes on the welfare trucks even before they arrive at their goal. (Penal colony/Rehab facility) NOTE: make sure you have your passport and have had recent vaccinations, for syphilis and Chlamydia.

NEWTOWN -  Hippies and skinheads clash daily in the this suburb, which has Wellingtons public hospital and Wellington Zoo and people who smell glue. Yes, and thats about it.

WELLINGTON CITY is a shit hole, home to the countries no actually worlds worst secondary school as they are seen globally poaching runners from the slums of Ethiopia nd exploiting their assholes. Wellington High School is a fucken hole, full of faggets and man sluts. ,

To see what Uncylopedia has to say about New Zealand history click on this link here:



Richard (of RBB) said...

Written by Secondary school students. Not bad grammar considering.


Yeah. On second thought it was most likely written by a senior teacher or deputy principal.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not so far from the truth - I've just been proof reading reports.