Monday 4 April 2016


No, not this guy, he's already gone.


This guy known on-screen as 'Bubbles' was my old codger image on the HOME page.

I removed him today because he's been charged with wife-beating. Not convicted - charged but even so I don't want him on my blog anymore.

'Wife beating' - violence toward women and children is abhorrent and I hate it (I also hate violence towards me but as that's usually as a result of sticking up for good friend Tony it is unlikely to happen again as long as he stays in Auckland).

I think that men who beat their wives, girlfriends, partners, mothers, grandmothers and children are cowards. They compensate for feelings of inadequacy by wanting to hurt and domineer someone weaker than them. They are scum.

The Old Girl was married before she and I hooked up 28 years ago. Her husband was violent. At one stage she said he threw a chest of drawers at her! She left him (eventually) and has no respect for him at all. She sees him as a loser. So do I - he lost her the fool.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yeah, a bloody idiot. Good luck for an old curmudgeon who Tony was getting beaten up though.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I liked the video. First time I've watch a Michael Jackson video that I enjoyed.
Makes me smile how all those tough guys turn out to be professional dancers and are probably calling each other "bitch" off stage.