Tuesday 24 January 2017


'Alternative facts' isn't exactly a new concept as, being a marketer I've used these all my working life when writing business plans, creating marketing and advertising campaigns and writing the blurb for the back labels on wine bottles. And of course writing posts for this blog.

The concept though reached a high point yesterday when Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump's 'Counsellor to the President'  used the term 'Alternative Fact' to explain away the blatant and outrageous lies that Trump's media spokesman had just told on his first outing.

The concern here is manifold.

Trump's presidential campaign was littered with lies, untruths, mis-directions and of course 'alternative facts'. The big bag of hot air got away with saying whatever he wanted believing that there was no accountability for it. Now that he is president it looks like this isn't going to change with he and his (under-talented) entourage feeling that they can say whatever they want, whenever they want.

The last few years has seen the rise of social media platforms that have created second tier news media. At first these were exactly that - second tier but, with the decline of mainstream print and TV media and the increased usage of electronic devices for accessing news and information, the second-tier channels are getting more attention than they deserve.

This became very evident last year with the reporting of world events, the Brexit vote and of course the USA presidential race.

The big problem with this is that a lot of the second-tier media have no respect for the truth, accurate reporting and in-depth investigation and all too often just make up things to suit their particular bias.
With the White House and all its supposed authority and power giving credence to the concept of 'Alternative Fact' then look-out, we're headed for a shitstorm.


To ease you into the new truths here are some alternative facts to get you going:

  • Double Bass players are the hottest performers in bands and attract the most groupies and followers.
  • Second Fiddles's blog is a must-read every day and a guide for correct spelling and grammar.
  • Evolution theory has successfully been proved wrong by the Catholic Church.
  • Immaculate conception is real
  • Teachers do not get enough holidays each year.
  • There is real quality to be had in $7 and less bottles of wine in supermarkets.
  • Home brew beer is good for you.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Oh dear MR XX in my last post is incensed about Trump. Now you. Two bright guys ... warning bells.
Oh who cares! We are miles away. Why not discuss our taxes 20% plus 12% GST then Health and Safety tax, Tobacco tax, Petrol tax, rates rising out of control.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"We are miles awar." Now I feel safe!


Richard (of RBB) said...

awar = away (sorry)


I figured that you were either drunk or turning Scottish (which I guess is an oxymoron)


Up north our GST is 15%