Thursday 13 April 2017


Well, here we are again for that special long weekend in the first half of the year - Easter.

The four days from Good Friday through Easter Monday have great significance as they portray the trials and tribulations of a very special man.

On the first day this man is wrongfully charged with crimes that he didn't commit and is made to suffer for them.

On the second day he withdraws to meditate and to ponder the reasons why he has been given a task that while benefitting mankind will ultimately be dangerous for him.

On the third day he is brutally set upon, wounded and ends up in a cave.

On the fourth day our man returns, rejuvenated and victorious and saves us all.


Yes, this weekend on television we once again have the full Sylvester Stallone quartet of films to thrill and entertain us, to uplift our spirits and gladden our hearts.

Starting with First Blood on Friday, hero John is wrongfully accused and abused.

On Saturday in Rambo First Blood Part II John takes time out to allow his spiritual side to lay out the path he must take.

In Rambo Part III, on Sunday John fights valiantly but is injured and has to withdraw from the fray to recover.

Finally, on Monday in Rambo Last Blood, John is resurrected and claims the day for us all.

Wonderful stuff this and is worth waiting all year for it to come around again.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Very good. But let's us not forget that in the case of Jesus Christ He actually DIED and then rose again from the dead. As multiple witnesses attest!

Richard (of RBB) said...

This time Robert is actually correct. These witnesses are well document in The Holy Bible, if you only took time to read it. Read here:
It does actually seem that Robert is right.
On the down side, we're both going to Hell. Ah well, can't win 'em all.


Ha ha Richard.I like that but you should read between the lines. Paul planted false information in The Corinthians and invented witnesses. Fake news!


Hey look at this.
There is a theologian named Shelley Rambo. Truly.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You had better not be kidding, Jesus basher!