Friday 7 February 2020


I read this today on The New Zealand Herald app.  HERE

This influencer use of Give-a Little is getting out of hand.

But ....... maybe I could Give-it-a-Go since old curmudgeons aren't getting a fair deal.

How about you readers funding a poor old curmudgeon in his travels?
I'm off to Wellington again and will need money to properly enjoy the sights and sounds that the wonderful city has to offer. You don't want your favourite curmudgeon to have to dine in cheap cafes do you?

Wellington has some of the best restaurants in the country - Logan Brown, Ortega, Boulcott Street Bistro, Jane Bistro etc , but you need a bit of dosh to go there especially if you have the misfortune of only being able to drink rare and expensive wine.
"Those who donate won't go home empty-handed however" as I promise to write blog posts on my experiences. Contributors will be able to vicariously experience the visits to these fine dining places without feeling embarrassed at what wine to order or which meal order will impress the waiter the most.

Please send your pledges through to this blog and I will arrange a direct credit into my bank account for you. Thank you.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I'll take you to the Richard's Bass Bag Curry Restaurant. It's nearby in Nuova Lazio.

Richard (of RBB) said...

That's a good version of one meatball.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

The best eating place in Wellington is my kitchen.

Old Tom said...

Perhaps the pledges should go to the Old Girl? She’s probably the only one that remembers the details of your most epic food & drink experiences in the last 32 years

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

So how much should I pledge to the Old Girl?

$5 monthly maybe should allow me to continue reading the basic Curmudgeon.
$10 would get me any three Curmudgeons plus a one off bottle of Kumeu Vallige Pinot gras 2016


Kumeu Vallige Pinot gras 2016

This sassy little wine shows typical 'vallige' characteristics that other wines normally don't.
The 'gras' (fatty in French) style makes it ideal with a mutton stew or pork belly.
Not for the faint-hearted.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Ah, so this is what a tangent is!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Not yet we are still on topic. Shouldn't that have been a question mark unless you were dying and pierced by a tangent?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, Robert the English teacher, I'm fine with the exclamation mark.

Anonymous said...

This blog needs updating.

The Fill In Curmudgeon


I'm on an expedition gathering information for a new post.
Stay tuned (but don't make those horrible noises that orchestras do before a concert).

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

If an A is slightly flat tune it.
It's better than being out of tune and compensating.
If you want it live but not content
Go to Mass and abuse those who do for God not forsaking.


How long has English been your second language?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"For how long has English been your second language?"


Thanks for the grammatical correction Robert. I guess that this is your latest crusade as I noticed that you also corrected Richard the pedantic schoolteacher on one of his posts. Keep up the good work and, with luck, this will spill over to your own blog posting.