Tuesday, 17 September 2024


 It's Tuesday today. We woke to a cold and rainy day - 13 degrees inside and 13 degrees outside. I won't be playing tennis today.

I wonder what the Catholics are doing? Probably celebrating the feast day of Saint James the Dismembered or Mother Hermione the Dysfunctional.

Either one brings tears to your eyes.

Music schoolteachers no doubt, even if there's a polar blast blowing up their skirts, can take solace in the fact that the government is welcoming back the old, the infirm, the incapable and the cacographic into the teaching fold to make up numbers. I guess they can reinstate the old values.

As a treat I might drive into Onerahi and pick up my medication prescription.

Oh the thrill!


Richard (of RBB) said...

Is this a prerunner to the proper post?

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that this post is improper?
Maybe I need a Catholic opinion on it.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Pope Francis doesn't like the part where a cock gets cut off. He advises American Catholics to vote for Trump.


Tell him it’s all about making them into angels.

Rob said...

The Pope's site says today's saint is St Robert Bellarmine.He was one of the pre-eminent theologians of the post-Tridentine church. A member of the Jesuit order, he became a cardinal in 1599. He was known for his devotion to the poor. He was beatified, canonized, and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pius XI.

Richard (of RBB) said...

That's better than Peter has done. Peter hasn't even been beautified.

Anonymous said...

I prefer my story.

Anonymous said...

Bob Bellarmine was born with no cock
His schoolmates would point at him and mock
But Bob knew with nothing to dangle
He could one day be an angel
So basically (and literally) couldn’t give a Fock.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I sat down on a rather sharp rock
It didn't hurt because I didn't have a cock.
Good old Bob Bellarmine
Knew I was safe all the time.


