Friday 6 September 2024


It's Friday today but no doubt Richard thinks it's Tuesday or something. Poor old guy. I wonder if Robert's unconditional and only slightly creepy love can help him.

Oh well, never mind eh. I've got bigger problems. The Old Girl is arriving home tomorrow morning after a couple of months away and you know what that means?

House cleaning!

I'd better do a good job on this to distract her attention way from the front deck.

I cleaned the deck with a cleaning agent I bought cheap. This was after I kind of munted it a bit using the powerful Stihl water-blaster which left odd 'crop circle'-type marks. The cleaning agent removed a lot of those but also has made the deck look like a tortoiseshell cat.

I wonder if she'll notice?

Maybe it'd be better if I didn't do housework and instead made the inside of the house even untidier to distract her.

Yes, that'll work.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Roberto potrebbe dire che ti ama, ma la tua vecchia amica potrebbe avere un'opinione diversa.


Sheesh! If I wanted comments in Albanian I'd publish this blog in the Balkans.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Testa di cazzo.