Not a lot going on in the blogs at the moment - well, nothing new anyway.
Richard is bleating on about his school days adding to the problems of global warming.
I think it's good that he 'lets it go' though and I just wish that Robert would face up to the fact that his precious Catholic Church was, and probably still is, populated by some very sick and damaged people who prey on the young, the weak and the needy.
Talking of Robert, he's been, as usual, distributing garbage that he gets from his church, his religious reading and the Catholic apologists he follows:
I'm busy this morning and early afternoon but hopefully later will treat you to a serious and thought inspiring post.
Boy, you certainly know how to pull in the comments.
Thank you.
I blocked all those Russian and Ukrainian women from commenting because I didn't want to make you jealous.
I think RBB is thinking a lot about boys.
To be fair, and, if he got the spelling right, he was referring to one boy but - given the capitalisation it must have bee, a doozy of a memory.
"I think RBB is thinking a lot about boys."
Robert, please don't love me anymore because you are down there with Brother Benedict, if this is really what your faith has taken you to.
Very sick.
Ha ha - I was confused. I thought that it was you who said it about Robert. Reading on my small phone screen is hard.
Phew. Rob doesn't love me anymore.
And to think that this post is just a filler!
Every whisper, of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
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