Sunday, 2 February 2025


I mentioned that our handyman has finished the major jobs around the house. He has to start  full-time with a builder tomorrow so quickly finished off a few things on Saturday morning. I'll do a bit of patch painting over the next couple of weeks. We plan to list the house for sale at the end of February.

He (Dave) did a pretty good job and the house is looking good. We are going to get a building inspection done, a proper one - not by a 'cowboy' builder and I'm more confident now that we'll get a pass. While it's not compulsory to provide a building inspection report when selling a house, with an older house (ours is 1910) prospective buyers can be nervous about buying a 'vintage' house. Hopefully a good report will assuage any concerns.

I've posted images in previous posts of some problems in the old window frames and wrote at least one post on it. Here's one: BOGGER

In that you'll have seen that I 'bogged' a hole in the frame of the west facing kitchen window, sanded it and painted it. See:

I thought That I'd done a pretty good job and at least one reader was very effusive in praise:

Dave though, when he looked at it was less effusive. I recall him saying something like "what cowboy did this?".
I kept shtum and just hoped that The Old Girl wasn't listening because she'd no doubt have dobbed me in.
Dave dug out all the fill that I'd put in and went further by digging out serious amounts of rotted wood to the point where I was thinking "Oh shit!"

Dave however built up the gaps that he'd made with some original timber from beneath the house, a very hard silicone that took days to set before sanding and then crafted some wood to match the original window frame design.

The end result is great and fits in with the rest of the house.

Another problem window was the north facing kitchen one where, guess what? I'd had a go at bogging it. Dave said "what cowboy did this?"... and you know the rest.
He removed all of my repair work, scraped away a disturbing amount of wood but then replaced wood, used silicone, sanded and painted and now it's great. He was under time pressure and wasn't as happy with his work on this one but we are.

As you can see it's a major improvement done under time pressure. I'll do a bit of sanding and paint touch up and it'll be as good as the west facing window shown earlier.

I consider myself to have been a good wine marketer but freely admit to my limitations as a handyman. I think that I'll have no aspirations beyond 'builder's 

This post was brought to you with the assistance of Taylors  Merlot 2022 so proof reading accuracy cannot be guaranteed.


Rob said...

"He (Dave) did a pretty good job". I think you should upgrade that to "Dave was a bloody marvellous craftsman."

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'd say, "Windows, especially pictures of Windows, covered."

Richard (of RBB) said...

Topic now officially exhausted.


That's good because I have a whole lot of posts to write about the garden.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oh shit!