I bought The Old Girl a large packet of LINDOR chocolates for her birthday last month as I know that she likes them.
I stressed that these were for her only and she keeps them in the fridge at the end of the house. She still however 'insisted' that I have a few of them.
She's away at present and the other day I had a craving for something sweet so swiped a couple more of the chocolates.
I realised that the six remaining, becoming four might be noticed so decided to replace them. At the New World supermarket I looked for them but they were out of stock.
Today, when I was in town I called into Woolworths. They were out of stock of the large pack (333g) but had some small packs (125g). The price of these though was $14.99!
I'm not usually a price quibbler but these seemed ridiculously highly priced to me so I left the store without buying them and went to the nearby the Warehouse. They didn't stock the large pack but did have the same 125g pack at $8! I bought 3 packs.
I don't know about everyone but I certainly felt like I got a bargain.
A bargain on love?
That sounds like a C&W song title.
No, no C&W songs to be found but found "Bargain" written by Pete Townsend and performed by The Who: https://youtu.be/Ka_pPf7OqiE?si=mcnDILvtXLr5hxl1
"I'd gladly lose me to find you
I'd gladly give up all I had
To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad ...
... I sit looking 'round
I look at my face in the mirror
I know I'm worth nothing without you"
Yep, he got it.
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