Friday, 21 February 2025


"Often, to have a monkey on one's back means to have an addiction that one can not control, or to be addicted to drugs or suffering withdrawal from a drug addiction. The origin of this idiom may be the stories of Sinbad, the earliest known works are from the seventeenth century."

        - Quora 

Funny, I just learned today, on Richard's Bass Bag* that the creator of the world and mankind, god, might have been a monkey.


I've been watching a US TV series called Goliath recently about a Californian lawyer who gets involved in very tricky cases. It's well written and acted and worth a look. It was over four seasons.

The one that I just finished concerned the opioid crisis with 'Big Pharma' being taken to task over the poisoning of millions of Americans and the deaths of over 200,000. You'll remember the court cases of the companies like Purdue and the Sackler family who were fined billions of dollars but of course had much of that overturned on appeal.

I wrote a post about it back in 2017: MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER

I'm glad that I didn't overuse the pain medications I've had for shingles, back problems and the hip tendinopathy. Fortunately I don't have an addictive personality although some might disagree when I talk about the wines we consume. Hey ho.

After a week of no alcohol I'm going to have a couple of glasses tonight - probably rose as I have a Tipping Point Rose in the fridge. Mea culpa Robert.

* The original Bass Bag.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Enjoy your Cleanskins.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert will be here to comment soon.

Richard (of RBB) said...

* the original bass bagging site

Richard (of RBB) said...

You're up to four comments now.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert will be off to bed. Sorry about that.

Richard (of RBB) said...

At least your comments are building up.

Rob said...

I'm up! Good on you for having a break from that poison. Thanks for the heads up on the series, if you recommend it then it must be good; wot with being a student of law yourself and all that. Nothing else to do this early so might as well read what nonsense RBB is writing about his creator.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Being a Catholic, you'll be used to reading nonsense.


"Good on you for having a break from that poison."

It's wine Robert not poison. Reformed smokers and alcoholics and born again Christians are so bloody self-righteous. It's a pity that, like narcissists, they can't stand back and see themselves as others see them.