It's been well over a year since we had a Curmudgeons Incⓒ quiz.
As readers will recall the popular weekly event was discontinued after Phillip Nis threw a hissy fit. We need not go into details here but needless to say the guy's a cock.
Moving on I thought it a nice idea to invite The Art Historian Curmudgeon to present a quiz in the reestablished Sunday quiz which has risen like a phoenix from the flame.
Over to you The art Historian Curmudgeon.
Thanks TC - look I know that you're busy but have you looked at pressing the button for activating my blog site?
Anyway, here's my quiz which I'm sure will wake up the readers...
.. ha ha - a little art history joke there.
Question one.
Who Painted The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel?
- Michael and Angelo Simoni Housepainters
- Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
- Baccio Bandinelli (also called Bartolomeo Brandini)
Question two.
Which Artist Is Known For The Painting ‘The Persistence Of Memory’?
- Sal Mineo
- Salvador Dali
- Salivate Daily
Question three.
Robert the artist formerly known as Rob and now known as Rob professes to have an unhealthy interest in 'artistic' impressions of who?
- Madonna Louise Ciccone
- Sophia Madonna
- The Madonna aka The Virgin Mary
Question four.
- Rococo
- Ricotta
- Cocoa
Question five.
Which Artist Is Known For The Mural ‘Guernica’?
- Joan Miró
- Pablo Picasso
- Francisco Goya
Best of luck to you all and remember: You are on your honour so no peeking at Google Search.
Question 3 = The Virgin Mary.
She evidently rubs her eyes when she wakes up because she hasn't got balls to scratch.
One out of five might be a new record for you.
You're leading at present.
Q1 = 2.
Q2 = 2
Q4 = 1.
Q5 = 3.
I'll go with RBB... he's a school teacher and knows about things so ... 2,2,3,1,3
You guys started off well, or at least Richard did but fell at the finish.
4 out of five which, if you remember your arithmetic is 80%.
Well done but top it good enough for the prize which is just as well because I’ve eaten it.
The Art Historian Curmudgeon.
“Top it” should have been “ not”. Bloody iPad.
Is Q5 2?
Correct but too late.
I told you I’ve eaten the prize.
The Art Historian Curmudgeon.
I'm impressed at the art knowledge of most of the readers.
Well done The Art Historian Curmudgeon for making this one of our most successful posts - 12 comments and climbing.
Now, while I don't like to 'hang out our dirty washing' in public TAHC I feel I must say that eating the prize before the results were finalised was in bad form.
I know, I know, you'll say that it was unlikely that these boz ... readers would know their Botticellis from their bottoms and that the jumbo sized chocolate fish was enticingly frozen and you were seduced by Robert's ice-cream indulgence but we at The Curmudgeons Inc. have standards to uphold ...mmmfhh (chew chew chew) ... thanks - that chocolate fish is delicious ... carry on.
You Curmudgeons are so damn humerous! All of you!
It'll be hard to keep up with the 'NOT' jokes if I move to Wainuiomata.
Best not to as I might lower the tone and they'd be left living in Waiuimaa.
In 1898, people of Waimā refused to pay a tax on dogs, and marched on Rawene in the Dog Tax War.[9]
I don't see a problem in Moera though. They seem to need an injection of humour there.
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