Thursday 14 March 2013


So Second Fiddle was nearly right. We'll never hear the end of it.

Second, that crazy Catholic from Wellington predicted that Saint Francis would be the new pope and here we have pope Francis 1st taking the new position.

Admittedly Second in one of his crazed religious states was thinking of this Francis:

I guess that for  anyone who believes in transubstantiation, ascension and assumption into heaven, the fact that old Frank has been dead for nearly a millennium is not too much of a stretch of the imagination.

The new pope is breaking records already: first non European pope for a millennium; first South American pope; first Jesuit pope etc. I'm sure we'll get lots of new records and controversies in the coming weeks.

To me, a non-interested outsider it appears that Frank has been elected because on one hand he is a bit of a liberal socialist and on the other hand (the Jesuit background) he is very conformist and anti-gay. It looks like the Vatican is hedging its bets.

Already I notice the researchers are bringing out some unsavoury connections of the new pope with a past Argentinian dictator. It seems he may have been collaborating with the right wing bad guys a bit. Still, this is the Catholic Church and the Vatican we're talking about. They have always sided with whatever strong-arm bastard is going to allow them to get on with their tricksy stuff - remember WW2 and the Jewish situation.

Oh well, it's been a bit of spectacle (I love the fact that they still use smoke - and mirrors? -ed. when a telephone call or projected video message could have done just as well).


Richard (of RBB) said...

I should have volunteered my big clack underpants as a sign.
Yes, what a joke the vatican has become.


Fuck me! You've got clack underpants as well.
The black ones were bad enough.

Richard (of RBB) said...

God (sorry ficticious character) you can be a cick.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes I was thinking of Francis of Assisi but some commentaters have suggested Francis Xavior too.
Xaviour was a soldier which more fits his Jesuit background.