Wednesday 8 June 2016


* An excellent Martin Scorcese documentary on The Rolling Stones.

Now my eyesight is prety poor and has been for many years. I'm short-sighted and have to wear corrective lenses to correct this.

I'm convinced that my eyesight is getting worse though and I'm convinced that The Old Girl is contributing to this.

I, like a lot of blokes, like good lighting in houses.
The Old Girl, like most dames prefers 'mood' lighting which is a fancy way of saying bugger all lighting.

The overhead light fixtures in all of the rooms in the house are chandelier type which, given the bloody number of bulbs in them should light up a runway but no, the bulbs are all low wattage 'candle' type and all point upwards to the ceiling rather than downwards to where people actually inhabit the house.

This early evening as I fired up the computer I found it very hard to see the keyboard even though the overhead light is on.
I went hunting through all of the rooms to find a lamp to put on the desk so I can see what I'm doing but all of the damn things are guessed it ..... mood bloody lighting things that give out a soft and diffuse light.


I'm off to the shops tomorrow to buy a man-type lamp.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Sue and I are the opposite way round. One low wattage energy saver lamp in a corner is enough for me.
She likes both the over head sets of lamps on when eating for instance. She admits she likes to see her food!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Shelley turns all the lights off.


"Shelley turns all the lights off"

Makes sense. Now, if she had a noise cancelling device she'd be all set..


"She likes both the over head sets of lamps on when eating for instance. She admits she likes to see her food!"

I'm with Sue on this one.