Sunday 18 December 2011


Well, you don't need to as I can tell you.
There have been 1,786 hits on this post here.

The Little Rascals

I guess quality and content of a post is not important it is just the heading that can attract attention.


Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Oh you rascal!

I'm the same.
I cannot understand why so many people are looking at the one we did on the FBI. It's now over 10,800

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

It's getting a bit lonely around here.
What have you done to piss of Richard and Second?

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

AGGHHH, sorry.

Just as I was about to leave your blog page, I noticed the new confriming word which had popped up, and I HAD to use it.

Especially in this era of Political Bloody Correctness when they threatened legal action on a fancy gift store which stocked Gollywog wrapping paper.