Saturday, 3 December 2011


At my age there are so many things to complain about that the little annoying things get passed over. The problem with these little annoying things are that they are often a regular niggle we we tend to put up with them.

Gripe #1. Why does washing up liquid have to be so bloody foamy nowadays? In the old days you squirted a bit in and it soaped the dishes nicely. The bubbles were sufficient to do the job and still allowed you to see into the sink and differentiate between glasses, dishes, pots and very sharp knives. This new-fangled stuff acts like a bubble bath and the foam goes about a foot higher than the top of the sink as you run the water and threatens to engulf you.. I reckon that dishwasher manufacturers have somehow taken over the dishwashing liquid companies and are making this horrible crap to drive is all into buying their machines. Bastards!


Anonymous said...

That's why we use a dish washer.


Exactly! Duped by F&P.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Use less, be minimalist