Sunday 3 June 2012


Well we lucked out with the weather this weekend.
From Thursday through to Sunday so far it has been glorious - warm, sunny and windless.
I went kayaking yesterday before dinner and intend going out again today.

I paddled about a bit on the still water for a while and got a few god photographs although the light was a bit 'flat'.
Coming home I noticed The Old Girl and our guests on the deck and thought I heard the sound of a Champagne cork popping so I stepped up the paddling and made it quickly to the beach.

That's our house in the centre.

Sure enough they had opened a good bottle of Methode Champenoise (and finished it before I got the kayak stowed away).

I showered and put my comfy clothes on. The Old Girl hates my long socks and threatens to chuck them away. "Why don't you put some grown up trousers on" she says along with "I'm not going to be seen with you wearing those Matey!"


Richard (of RBB) said...

She's right about the socks.

Richard (of RBB) said...

When you come to Wellington, I'm not going to be seen with you wearing those Matey!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said... blanket to a bull?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

ps i love the photo looking over the bow of the kayak...

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Long socks are good.

Have a nice long and relaxing weekend.

Go with good (seeing you can't spell it right on your post)


No. no, really TSB, I got some God photographs.
There was this guy walking on water in front of the kayak .....oh wait, that was me. I knew that the Old Girl had found my stash of Methode Champenoise and paddling was a bit slow so I had to run for it....