Sunday 1 November 2015


I happily ride my bicycle around York and marvel at how safe it is to ride in this city.
In previous posts I've remarked at the absence of irascible old schoolteachers who are hell-bent on running you over.

Well, that changed yesterday when I encountered one of these.

To be honest I'm not sure that this cunt  arseehole fellow road- user was a school teacher.
Perhaps if he was he would be driving on of these:

As it was he was driving one of these:

Now an irascible old schoolteacher I know hates drivers of large, resource - abusing and unnecessary 4WD city vehicles like this one but he also hates cyclists.
He has written many posts on his blog about the encounters that he's had and has fantasised about running them over (the cyclists) and wanting to eradicate the 4WD wankers.

I just hope that in this instance, if and when he reads this post he favours me as the lesser of two evils.

I was peddling my way out to the gym and, going through a slight intersection a big black Range Rover barreled its way across in front of me, having come from a side road when I was travelling straight ahead. It was a T-intersection and he came from the right. I was on a straight road so assumed that I was in the right.
This cunt  arseehole fellow road- user merely ignored me and cut dangerously in front of me.

I gave him the international signal for

 "excuse me but I think that you've made a mistake here, maybe we could talk about this"

His response was to slam on his anchors and, to avoid running into the back of him I had to take a dangerous evasive manouvre around the right hand side of his behemoth big fucking useless truck car taking me on to the wrong side of the road.

Fortunately there was no traffic coming towards us and so I rode alongside this cunt giving him the evil eye.

He had a little hissy fit telling me that the double white lines (obscured by road works) that I'd rode through said he had the right of way. I asked him if this right of fucking way (yes readers I did say this but I was under duress at the time) gave him the right to run me over. I didn't get his response as he had to brake to avoid the car stopped at the traffic lights in front of him.
I rode , still on the wrong side of the road past his  behemoth big fucking useless truck car and the car in front of him and when the lights changed proceeded on my way.
This arrogant, 4WD driving cunt, when passing me further along, deliberately swerved close to me to 'make his point'
What a cunt!

Anyway, how was your day?


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Why would he want to kill you over a simple legallity; arse holes like him make me sick.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes, I'm with Second on this one. Road rules are only these to keep us all safe. They are not a right to feel somehow superior. We all make mistakes. This guy is a fucking arrogant cunt who should have his private parts removed to quiet him down.


Have a look at this video clip here.

It's well worth watching to see what happens to the aggressive arsehole.

He's a bit like the Range Rover joker I had my altercation with.