Monday, 5 September 2016


(You know the music it goes to)

I got up early today, oh my 
I had to take the Old Girl to the bus station 
And though it was much earlier than the norm 
Well I didn’t mind ‘Cos I knew could get a hot cheese scone

They bake them in a café downtown 
It’s in the basin not far from where the buses leave 
But today the cheese ones had all gone 
They had spinach and feta ones instead 
Why I’m not really sure It was a bummer I can tell you.

I did some work when I got home 
Two emails and a phone call or two 
I was shagged out so I lay down on the bed 
I began to read a book 
But my mind just drifted away I drifted off to sleep

I woke up, the cat jumped on the bed,  
She lay down right on my head  
I made my way to the kitchen for some tea
I drank a cup 
And I realised it was nearly noon.

I only work from 8 to 12
So almost had to put in for overtime
Went back to bed for a lie-down, 
Drifted off again into a dream. 

I got up in the early afternoon 
Checked my emails but nothing new had come
Just a few items of SPAM
Asking If I wanted a f***buddy date
I didn’t reply as I don’t need one
So I turned the computer off.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Freaky clip. Sounds like you may have a bit of cabin fever.
Take it easy up there ol' man.